Saturday, October 20

Symbolic Meanings of Toys

Airplane - escape, distance, speed, search, search, freedom, safety, protection, etc.

Animals (wild) - aggression, fear, survival, power, strength, etc.

Animals (domestic) - protection, family, reactions, relations, vulnerability, compliance, dependency, etc.

Baby Bottle - regression, nurturing, coping issues, dependency, babies, siblings, etc.

Ball - interaction, relationships, trust, competition, etc.

Binoculars - perspective, relationship (close/distance), surveillance, hunting, finding, searching, intimacy, self-examination, etc.

Blanket - regression, security, protection, boundaries, etc.

Blocks - defenses, boundaries, construction, limits, rigidity, closure, structure, protection, vulnerability, etc.

Cars - mobility, power, escape, conflict, safety, protection, travel, defenses, etc.

Chalk/Dry-Erase Board - environment, world, creation, emotional expression, contact, pressure, etc.

Clay - aggression, manipulation, creation, control, self-esteem, change, expression, contact, pressure, etc.

Costumes - relationships, communication, anonymity, fantasy, impule, disguise, etc.
  • Gloves - avoiding, distance, safety, etc.
  • Hats - identity, roles, expectations, fantasy, power, denial
  • Masks - relationships, communication, anonymity, etc.
  • Sunglasses - hiding, avoiding, distance, etc.
  • Wigs - relationships, communication, impulse
Crayons/Paper - creation, contact, resources, problem-solving, etc.

Dinosaurs - past, history, death, power, extinction, fear, conflict, survival, etc.

Doctor's Kit - healing, repair, respect, power, pain, image, crisis, changing, etc.
  • Syringe - intrusion, violation, pain, healing, fear, impact, etc.
  • Stethoscope - internal feelings, unknown, undisclosed, validation, etc.
  • Thermometer - internal feelings, sick/ok-ness, need for help, crisis, etc.
  • Blood Pressure - internal issues, anger, calm, state of mind, internalized feelings, etc.
  • Operation - crisis, intervention, intrusion, action, risk, resolution, control, vulnerability, etc.
Dishes/Cooking - nurturing, celebration, attention, neglect, demands, etc.

Dolls - identity, self, regression, sibling, anatomy, competition, closeness, friendship, etc.

Dollhouse - family, family interaction/attitude, environment, security, etc.

Fingerpaints - contact, involvement, impact, etc.

Flashlight - control, secrecy, fear, searching, leadership, dependency

Games - competition, competency, structure, resistance, moral reasoning, cooperation, etc.

Grooming - self-image, self-concept, change, validation, caring, nurturing, etc.

Guns - aggression, control anger, hostility, power, death, pain, intrusion, impact, protection, boundaries, etc.

Knife - utensil, aggression, power, defense, protection, intrusion, sexual, etc.

Lights - control, power, secret, escape, hiding, denial, change, etc.

Magic Wand / Crystal Ball - fantasy, wishes, goals, desire, future, etc.

Mirror - self-image, self-concept, memories, past, change, future, etc.

Money/Poker Chips - security, power, control, loss, cheated, etc.

Monster Figure - fear, mystery, protective, secretive, conflict, perpetrator, relationship, revenge, attack, etc.

Musical Instruments - self-expression, internal, communication, creativity, contact, etc.

Paints - distance, expression, inaccessible needs, etc.

Pillow - bed, safety, territory, parent, monster, aggression, relaxation, burden, etc.

Playing Cards - money, control, power, secrets, spontaneity, etc.

Puppets - relationships, communication, anonymity, impulses, disguise, etc.

Puzzles - problem solving, decisions, completion, integration, whole picture, getting-it-together, etc.

Sand - construction, destruction, community, feelings, change, emotional world, creativity, etc.

Teddy Bear - warmth, nurturing, security, companionship, etc.

Telephone - communication, distance, safety, control, power, disconnect, etc.

Water - emotionality, flexibility, freedom, anxiety, orality, sadness, depth, internal, etc.

Adapted from V. Richards, 2007

(note: toys can be a need for or a lack of some feeling, emotional state, or competency. context is always important. nothing is black and white.)

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