Thursday, January 8

A Few New Resources

(Another half-post from July, only being published now)

SAMHSA's Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator

"This searchable directory of drug and alcohol treatment programs shows the location of facilities around the country that treat alcoholism, alcohol abuse and drug abuse problems." Certainly useful, but it also highlights the emphasis placed on 12-step programs, programs which are often unsuited to the needs of many, particularly adolescents who would like to stop using.

SAMHSAs search engine remains an excellent resource. For those with access to the Internet, anyway. . .

County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health AIDS Program Glossary

Because sometimes all those letters can become overwhelming. . .a veritable Alphabet City of acronyms related to HIV/AIDS-related vocabulary, running the gamut from medical, to legal, to organizational terms as well as the names of groups working to fight the virus.

Google for Non-Profits

"Learn how you can use Google tools to promote your cause, raise money, and operate more efficiently."

Most of the products/apps are already familiar to those who use Google's resources, but each section is framed to suit the perspective of someone working for a "cause". Additionally, there is Google Grants, which I'd not seen before stumbling across Google for Non-Profits.

And now I'll stare off into space for a while, imagining what it would have been like to have Google for Educators back in my teaching days. . .

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